Facebook Promotion


Facebook Promotion

Facebook is a popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos, and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family, and colleagues. Facebook is founded in February 2004, Cambridge, Massachusetts, united states founded by Mark Zuckerberg, Andrew McCollum, Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz, Chris Hughes.

Facebook Ad

Facebook advertising serves ads, images, and posts to a targeted audience through the Facebook platform and ad network. If you want to get your message in front of the people who matter, Facebook advertising is the way to go. Facebook ads allow text, images, videos, slideshows, and a variety of other creative options to be displayed on your advertisement for maximum audience engagement. You’re able to target your audience based on:

• People who have visited your Website
• Purchase behaviour
• Digital Activities
• Interests
• Demographics
• Geography
• Third-party information like spending habits and consumer profiles

You may also determine how much you want to pay per click or Pay per mile ( cost per 1000 impressions).

Facebook has over 1.79 billion unique monthly active users spending at least 40 minutes per day on the site. Facebook ads give business owners the power to finely target and reach a specific consumer market, all without breaking the bank on their marketing budget. WSNE Facebook advertising services help businesses of all sizes transform their digital marketing strategies by:

• Generating higher Facebook engagement on organic and boosted posts
• Increasing referral traffic to your website from Facebook
• Digital Activities
• Creating a solid fan base of returning customers
• Collecting data – including contact information – about new and prospective customers
• Driving conversions through dynamic buyer stage marketing

WSNE helps you in marketing & advertising your business on Facebook that leads to the growth and development of your products and services.

1. Facebook PPC

Get your post viral on Facebook via FB paid campaign

2. Facebook page management

We will manage your social media page and post on the daily basis.

3. Facebook Leads

Now you can generate your business leads via Facebook advertising

4. Facebook likes

I don’t think you need to know about Facebook likes

5. Facebook followers

Increase your profile followers on pay per follower’s basis

6. Facebook Video views

Get maximum views on your Facebook videos.

7. Facebook Votes

We can also help you to increase your vote on Facebook

8. Facebook traffic

Get Maximum Traffic on your Website/Apps from Facebook pages

9. Facebook shares

We share your post on multiple groups and pages on PPS basic.